In 2012 we started a campaign to save the Venus & Cupid Sculpture at Scalestone Point by buying it and securing its future in Morecambe. So we formed a charitable Arts Trust to collect the money from the public.
Three years later we succeeded and the Trust took the sculpture over in September 2015.

The handover event at Scalestone Point – Photo: Johnny Bean
That was our first objective as an arts trust! We have also been able to promote further public arts and sculpture projects in Morecambe:

Prom Art Fair

The Trust contributed to the funding of this popular exhibition to celebrate Eric’s 90th birthday in 2017

The Morecambe Bay Time and Tide Bell
The Trust contributed to the funding of this stunning installation on the Stone Jetty launched in 2019
Photo: Ollie Field

In 2018 we had to take the Sculpture indoors to the Arndale Morecambe Bay to raise money for repairs. We hope to bring Venus back to the Prom in the summer of 2019.
Shane Johnstone said public support had made him change his mind about destroying it.
“People love it. There’s dozens of sculptures along the promenade and two that get talked about – Eric Morecambe and my sculpture,”
Shane Johnstone
The Trustees are:
Siân Johnson, Colin Brown, Jean Anderson, Kathryn MacDonald, Dawn Latham, Jean Laurie, John McKenzie
You can reach us on 01524 831600.
Address: 336 Marine Road Central, Morecambe LA4 5AB