You may have read in the news that the Venus & Cupid sculpture was finally secured for the benefit of Morecambe and its visitors in September 2015.
The money that we managed to raise included enough to insure the sculpture for the past two years, but we now need to go out and raise money to provide a secure financial base to maintain the artwork. The budget to cover insurance and periodic maintenance averages around £1500 per year. While we will continue to run fund-raising events from time to time, the Trustees think that the most secure form of finance would be annual contributions from the Friends of Venus & Cupid.
We are now also faced with a one-off need to pay for substantial repairs to the tiled surface, owing to water ingress caused by frost this last winter, which is causing tiles to fall off.
We are therefore asking all of you who appreciate the value of having secured a permanent place for the sculpture at Scalestones Point to commit to making an annual contribution towards the maintenance fund.
Ideally we would request that you set up an annual Standing Order, which would make it simple for us to recoup any Gift Aid. We suggest £20 as a typical family donation, but perhaps £30 for this who can afford it, or £10 for single persons.
Please email with your name and address, and we will send you a form which will also cover Gift Aid.
Alternatively you can donate through the VirginGiving web site, for which you will find a Make A Donation or Make A Monthly Donation button on the right hand panel.
We have always been very grateful for the help of Volunteers at our find-tasing events. If you would be prepared to volunteer help at future events, please email with your name and email address.