The Venus and Cupid Arts Trust is delighted to announce the launch of Morecambe Promenade Art Fair.
The Venus & Cupid Arts Trust has been commissioned to run a brand new exciting event on Morecambe Promenade! – an Artists and Makers market on Bank Holiday Monday 27 May 2013.
Come to Morecambe and head for the iconic Midland Hotel where the Fair is centred. Browse to your heart’s content to find work from talented artists and craft makers from Lancashire, Cumbria and beyond..
Open to the public from 11am to 4pm on Morecambe Prom and Gardens. Entry is FREE.
Stall Holders – Thinking of booking? Click Here.
We are very grateful to Robert Leach who runs Prom Art in Grange-over-Sands for all his support and advice, based on running Prom Art for the last 7 years.
Interested? Get on the mailing list by emailing us at: or
Morecambe Promenade Art Fair is supported by the Take Pride scheme promoted by Lancaster City Council, by Morecambe Town Council and by Lancashire County Council and is sponsored by The Midland Hotel.