The Venus & Cupid Arts Trust is organising a Cross Bay Walk on Sunday 12 May 2019, to raise funds to pay for the on-going repairs to the Sculpture.
See below for how to book
The walk starts at 11.15 am at Arnside Promenade, crossing the sands to Kent’s Bank, 2 miles west of Grange-over-Sands. It is about 8-10 miles long and generally takes about 4 hours. Most of the terrain is sandy, but there are soft, muddy spots, and one or two of the main channels can be up to thigh-deep in water.
Download the Guide over sands Guideline
The basic charge is £12 per adult, £9 for children 16-17, £7 for children under 16 years. *
Discounts for parties of three or more people, all booked and paid for as a single party:
Adult: £10. 16-17 years: £7. Child (1-15): £5. (max. 2 children under 16 per adult, see note below *)
There will be a coach back to Arnside, leaving Kent’s Bank once the whole group has arrived. Cost: £5 per seat, all ages.
Space will be limited to just over 50 walkers. (The rail service from Kent’s Bank to Arnside has a limited capacity and should not be depended upon for the return journey – see note below †).
Interim Arrangements: please note that the Organisers will be away until 21st March, so you may need to wait until then for confirmation
Meanwhile the options are:
A. Reserve a place/places by emailing with your:
- name
- number of places required
- email address
- . phone number
We shall email you to confirm the reservation on or shortly after 21st March, and ask you to fill in the attached Booking Form and make payment, as detailed below. (If you need a positive confirmation before then please mention this in your email, and we shall try to contact you.)
B. Book now by by printing and filling the attached form. Please post to Peter Brown at 336 Marine Road Central, Morecambe LA4 5AB, enclosing a cheque payable to Venus & Cupid Arts Trust
Or C. We are in the process of establishing a Paypal account: when it is available in late March, an announcement will appear to this effect on this web site .
Or D. Cash payments on the day: we prefer walkers to pay in advance, but you may pay Cash on the day (subject to availability of places). Please bring the filled in form with you. No discounts in this case ! And, sorry, we cannot accept credit or debit cards.
For further information please email
Image Credit: Morecambe Bay Partnership