Latest Past Events

Venus & Cupid Cross-Bay Walk 2020: POSTPONED till End of August

Welcome to the Venus & Cupid Arts Trust Cross-Bay Walk 2020. The walk originally scheduled for Sunday 3rd May has been postponed to the last weekend of August. Precise date (29th or 30th) and timings are yet to be finalised. Start:  Arnside Finish:  Kent's Bank The walk starts at Arnside Promenade, crossing the sands to Kent’s [...]

Venus & Cupid, Morecambe Promenade Fun Run – Sunday 9th June 2019

Morecambe Promenade Morecambe Promenade, Morecambe

Fund raising for the repairs to the Sculpture continues with a 5k Fun Run on Morecambe Promenade Date:  Sunday 9 June 2019  :  Start time:  11.00 am This 5k race will start and finish at the site of the iconic Venus and Cupid statue and follow the promenade towards Morecambe turning near the equally iconic […]

Venus & Cupid, Cross Bay Walk – 12th May 2019

Arnside Promenade Arnside Promenade, Grange Over Sands

STOP PRESS: THE RETURN COACH  FROM KENT'S BANK TO ARNSIDE IS NOW ALMOST FULLY BOOKED. There may be 2 or 3 tickets available on the day when you check in at Arnside. There is a train leaving CARNFORTH at 10:20, arriving ARNSIDE at 10:30. ============================================== The Venus & Cupid Arts Trust is organising a Cross […]

£5.00 – £12.00